Hi again,
I dropped my car off onto the garage to get the cam belt/tensioner and water pump changed as I've got no record or evidence of it being changed
By the end of the day I was looking forward to picking it up ,but when I arrived at the garage at the end of the working day I could see my car still on the ramps.
I popped over to the mechanic to ask if they had encountered a problem.
It turned out they hadn't got the locking tool to keep the engine pulleys in the correct position and they were now waiting for one to be delivered before they can proceed with it.
Left without a car is a real inconvenience especially when I need it to get to work.
Hopefully tomorrow it will arrive and I can my car back.
Cam Belt change not exactly gone to plan
Cam Belt change not exactly gone to plan
206 cc 2litre (loving every minute of it)
Re: Cam Belt change not exactly gone to plan
They could have used some suitably sized bolts .. 6mm if I remember correctly
Family Fleet: ex-Cayman Green 206 CC 2.0 LE, Indigo Blue 206 1.4 HDi Hatchback, Subaru BRZ Auto, Alfa Romeo MiTo