
Post in here if ya owned a CC but moved on
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Post by carl »

OK, my wife is now two cars on from the CC. First we replaced it with a Merc CLK 320 Coupe. TBH it was (a) a bit of an "old man's" car, (b) extremely thirsty -- low 20s! and (c) depreciated quicker than a new PC. So it's gone (bizarrely, I don't have any pictures of it) to be replaced by this 6 month-old BMW 320 Cd Sport.

Now, I'm the last person I thought would be joining the diesel revolution (our other car's a TVR Cerbera, which when I sell it I'm hoping to replace with a Porsche 991 Turbo or a Ferrari 355, providing the finances work out OK of course!). But the Beemer is great. It has the M Sport interior, bodykit, wheels and suspension. The torque's amazing and it goes pretty well too (0-60 in 8.8, flat out at 137). MPG is supposed to be 36 on urban cycle, 49 on extra urban, although we're averaging around 38 at the moment so we'll have to see how that goes.

PS: found a pic of the CLK. Now up for sale for £5k less than we paid 10 months ago. And that includes the dealer's markup :eek:
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Post by Lyndon »

nice motor,even if it is a diesel :lol:

get the 355 u know you want one (so do i) ;)
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Post by carl »

This is part of the problem, Lyndon. I keep looking at more sensible stuff (BMW M3, 645 Ci, Porsche 996) but then I think that for the same money (or not much more, in the case of the M3) I could get a 355. Whatever comes next must be a convertible, though. We've never really recaptured the fun we used to have in our CC!

Was thinking of a dark colour, with a manual gearbox (not F1). May have to go LHD as they're cheaper. This one's nice, but I need to wait until next year before I have the money together:
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Post by Lyndon »

wot, your gonna buy a piston heads banner :?

if u do get a 355 can ya take me for a spin in it ? (pretty please :) )
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Post by carl »

Can you not see the picture then? It works fine for me.

I was speaking to a guy I work with, who did have a Ferrari (it's a 456, currently for sale at Carl Verdi). I said "Look, I'm thinking of buying a 355 but then again I could just pay a big lump off the mortgage". And he replied "Don't worry about it, the insurance will pay the mortgage when you die." ;)

If I do buy one (and I really hope I can) then (a) it won't be until next April at the earliest, and (b) it will probably only be insured for about 3,000 miles a year, so I won't want to waste 300 by coming to visit you. Unless you come down here, of course. :D
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Post by Lyndon »

:oops: can see the pic now :)

we'll have to work something IF u do get one :)

can u get a red one tho ;)
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Post by carl »

Red ones cost more though...
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Post by Lyndon »

pity :(

how about yellow :)
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Post by carl »

Yellow is called "Gallo Fly" -- you can get Fiat Puntos in that colour too!

Personally I can't stand it, but let's be realistic. Should I be in a position to buy a 355 next year, and should one come up at the right price and the right spec, then I'll buy it regardless of colour. As long as it's not green...
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Post by Lyndon »

:oops: sorry didn't mean to sound pushy or howt :?

just think that the 355 is THE best looking ferrari 8)

good luck in your ferrari chase :)
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Post by carl »

:oops: sorry didn't mean to sound pushy or howt :?
No problem, I didn't infer that.
just think that the 355 is THE best looking ferrari 8)
So do I, but I saw a picture of it side-by-side with a 360 and there's no doubt that the 360 is a more modern design. Apparently they drive better too, but that's not everything. Looks and sound are important too (as is price -- 360s seem to be around 80k!)
good luck in your ferrari chase :)
Fingers crossed.
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Post by Lyndon »

phew :)

at the end of the day it's still a ferrari 8)
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Post by Derek »

Just seen this post - BMW looks very nice :D

If you get a Ferrari, feel free to drive to Scotland in it and I will get a shot too :lol:

Merc is a nice car too but I was never keen on the headlights, look very out of place and boring for some reason :?

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Post by carl »

Update: decided to keep the TVR a bit longer and do some work on it (suspension, remap, etc.) Then get a cheapish convertible next spring as a runabout (£10-£15k). Then get a Ferrari when I can afford to buy and run one.

One of the key drivers is that I have my heart set on a Spyder. Was happy with the 355 Spyder but then I saw the 360 Spyder with the speedster humps. Never been a fan of the 360, because it doesn't look like a proper Ferrari, but the rag top version is stunning!

Goal is to get one by the time I'm 35 (3 years to go)...
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Post by Lyndon »

nice plan 8)

hope ya dreams come true :)
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